Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Are you feeling FRESH today?

As I promised, today I want to share my Top Five Tips For Regaining Your Health. How have I decided that these were the most important five? Well, after reading numerous books and articles, having listened to wise people who have studied far more than myself and after experiencing issues of my own as well as observed others' habits and health problems, I have concluded that we need a FRESH perspective on good health and nutrition.

Much too often, we try to complicate things; we think that it really must take a genius to know how to make it in business or to have a successful family or to understand the way our bodies work. When we think this way, our tendency is to feel overwhelmed -- to think that it is beyond us -- and therefore, we excuse ourselves for not trying anymore.

I would like to encourage you -- to let you know that it is the simple, seemingly insignificant actions in life that truly make the biggest difference. Having been a perfectionist with unrealistic expectations for much of my life, it has sometimes taken me awhile to realize this and I have stumbled along the way. I am still learning and will continue to do so; this is one of the things that makes life exciting!

We do live in the age of information overload, though, and this began to frustrate me a while back. I finally decided that if I just went 'back to the basics' -- what God originally created as food for us -- that everything would be much simpler and my mind wouldn't feel so cluttered with the latest research on what vitamins to take or not take, on the virtues of coconut oil or the dangers thereof, etc. ad naseum.

So, after a bit of thought and study, these are my conclusions regarding regaining one's health or maintaining an already healthy body. I hope they make sense to you. If we keep things simple in our lives, embellishing them here and there, I believe our lives will flow more smoothly -- even as we encounter rocks, thorns and brambles along the way.

To make them easy to remember, I have placed the five tips into the word FRESH:

Fresh whole foods -- fruit, vegetables (including greens), whole grains and nuts

Rest -- the most rejuvenating sleep is before midnight

Exercise -- get your body moving at least 30 minutes a day

Sunshine -- at least 15 minutes a day (with no sunscreen)

Hydration -- 8 - 10 glasses of purified or distilled water per day

It is amazing how God created our bodies to operate so efficiently -- like a well-oiled machine -- when we treat it as He intended -- as His holy temple. Like nearly everything else, we humans tend to corrupt and pollute things when we stray from the simple truths found in He gave us. I am guilty of such and I am forever grateful for God's undeserved favor, grace and guidance.

I hope the FRESH approach will enable you to take control of your health. Your health is your responsibility; it is not the doctor's or the government's or anyone else's job to see that you maintain good health and nutrition. As Charlotte, my dear friend and mentor says (I'm paraphrasing), "God has given you only one body; in this life you can't get another one so take care of what you've been given."

In the next five articles, we will take a look at the tips -- one letter at a time.

I look forward to any comments or experiences you've had as we are here to learn from and support each other!

Here's hoping you have a FRESH day today!


1 comment:

  1. Love the advice ant the acronym! I'm having a fresh day!
